
会议日程 主旨报告 特邀报告 PRCV & DICTA 2022联合论坛 专题论坛 女科学家论坛 讲习班 博士生论坛 香港论坛 录用论文/口头报告/学术海报展示
香港论坛-The current and future machine imaging for medical robots



应用医疗机器人为病人提供治疗时需要 “手”、“眼”、“脑”、协同作业。以目前的外科手术机器人技术现状为例,医生成为整个系统的一部分,医生的大脑成为整个系统的大脑,而机器人成为医生的“手”与“眼” 的延伸。其中机器手臂主要复制执行医生的手部动作,而机器人的智能化主要体现在应用机器视觉技术对于术中,术前的医学影像信息处理与融合,从而实现对手术工具或者重要人体组织结构的定位与视觉增强。随着对医疗机器人智能化的需求不断加大,机器视觉与机器人的运动控制未来将进一步深度融合,也对应用于医疗机器人的机器视觉技术提出新的挑战。该论坛旨在讨论机器视觉技术在医疗机器人领域中的应用情况,在香港的科研最新动态的发展趋势,在面向临床应用时所面临的挑战,以及未来医疗机器人领域机器视觉发展方向。





刘宏斌 报告嘉宾、主持人



报告题目:advanced machine imaging for robotic endoscopic surgery

报告摘要:In this talk I will review the technology advancement in robotic endoscopic surgery and their applications and share our research on surgical instrument segmentation, depth estimation using with monocular endoscopic camera, as well as flexible instrument localization based on endoscopic imaging.

朱嘉行 报告嘉宾


嘉宾简介:Dr. Henry Kar Hang Chu received his B.A.Sc. degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada, his M.A.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering from the University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.  In 2015, he joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China as an Associate Professor. His research interests include microscale robot control and automation, visual servoing, continuum robot design, dielectrophoresis for tissue engineering applications. 

报告题目:Image-based control of soft continuum robot for fluid suction

报告摘要:Soft continuum robot has been an emerging research topic, opening new possibilities to conceptualize, design and fabricate cost-efficient robots for various applications. Owing to their advantages of high flexibility with infinite degrees of freedom (DOF), one of the potential applications is to perform blood suction. In this talk, I will first introduce the continuum robot design and the mechanism to attain higher efficiency in suctioning. Next, I will cover the image-based algorithms to achieve precise robot control and robot shape reconstruction. Finally, I will present our latest research on a simulation platform that can visualize the current pose of a multi-segment continuum robot to aid the robot planning and control in real time. 

任洪亮 报告嘉宾


嘉宾简介:Hongliang Ren received his Ph.D. in Electronic Engineering (Specialized in Biomedical Engineering) from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) in 2008. He serves as an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Automation Science & Engineering (T-ASE) and Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing (MBEC).  He has navigated his academic journey through Chinese University of Hong Kong, Johns Hopkins University, Children’s Hospital Boston, Harvard Medical School, Children’s National Medical Center, United States, and National University of Singapore (NUS). He is currently Associate Professor, Department of Electronic Engineering at Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering at National University of Singapore. His areas of interest include biorobotics, intelligent control, medical mechatronics, soft continuum robots, soft sensors, and multisensory learning in medical robotics. He is the recipient of NUS Young Investigator Award and Engineering Young Researcher Award, IAMBE Early Career Award 2018, Interstellar Early Career Investigator Award 2018, ICBHI Young Investigator Award 2019, and Health Longevity Catalyst Award 2022 by NAM & RGC.

报告题目:Surgical motion generation and motion understanding towards augmented minimally invasive robotic procedures

报告摘要:This talk will highlight some recent developments in dexterous robotic motion generation with motion understanding towards image-guided minimally invasive procedures. The procedure-specific telerobotic surgical systems can assist surgeons in performing dexterous manipulations using the master-slave console bilateral motion generation & mapping mechanism with variable stiffness.Meanwhile, surgical motion understanding aims to learn from the multi-domain surgical perceptions and describe the semantic relationship between instruments and surgical region of interest. Automatically understanding the instrument motions in robotic surgery is crucial to enhance surgical outcomes, enable surgical camera automation, and facilitate surgical training. To that end, we generate the task-aware saliency maps and scanpath of the instruments beyond tracking and segmentation, similar to the surgeon’s visual perception, to get the priority focus on selected surgical instruments. Furthermore, generating a surgical report in robot-assisted surgery, together with surgical scene understanding, can play a significant role in document entry tasks, surgical training, and post-operative analysis.
